Posted in April 2014

The one with some sunshine

Well hello there!

For all those people that were thinking: “wow, his last post was really really really long… I’m never gonna read all of that!”
This one is significantly shorter 🙂

First things first! There are finally some results from my intern at TNO. Look at them below…


Besides this good news, there is even more good news! But also some bad news… Let me first talk about the good news. As you’ve all noticed, the weather is really really nice. Which is a good ánd bad thing.
Because when you must be inside all-day-long, it kinda sucks. But! In the afternoon/weekend I don’t have to study/work at all, so then I can be outside all the time 🙂

So, because the weather was so nic… suddenly I realize that I’m doing a typical Dutch ‘thing’ now… talking about the weather… Really, if you ever meet someone from the Netherlands, start talking about the weather. They will instantly love you, because you can “relate” to them.
Anyway, because of several reasons, I went cycling last weekend. Not just for fun, no, I had my first ‘serious’ cycling-competition. If you want you can see me here in action (if you don’t, close your eyes really fast now!) :

(Picture was taken by

Although it didn’t go as I’m used to… In retrospect, looking at how much I’ve trained on the bike this year, I did quite alright.

But now the bad news. And I will keep this short…
Because it took so long to get some results at TNO, they didn’t want to proceed with the project I’m on. So one moment you have something and the other moment.. it is all gone 🙁  There is only one upside I can think of right now.. and that is that I can be more in the sun. But that’s about it…



EDIT: April fool’s!

Oh and for those that were wondering whát you are seeing in the short movie… that should represent the speed (not velocity) at a certain point in the greenhouse. Where the floor (bottom) was heated. As you can see, it moves around quite fast, this is due the fact that I have not optimized some parameters. So it not a good representation of the world, yet.

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