Posted in March 2015

The one in March

Soo, things are becoming quite… tense, so to speak. My deadline is coming closer.. and so is the end of my study. Some part of me likes to get closer to the ‘finish line’, while another part is totally terrified for what will come after this… since I’m still not sure about my future plans, haha.
Yeah I stated before that I was enthousiastic about doing a PhD, but I’m still not sure whether I want to go down that path or not. So, there I am again.. doubting every step I make towards a more certain future. Haha, somewhere it’s quite a journey and fun nonetheless. I mean, sure I worry from time to time on what I want to do.. but atleast I still have a choice. And it isn’t all that hard to make a decision, it is just the uncertainty about my future.. since I want to make the “best” step.

Mathematicians can be quite the drama queen/king from time to time.. but that is only because math is such a emotional subject.. Look for an example to the following


However, besides my thesis, everything is going just fine. In the last week of February I went to Spain (Calpe) to cycle there for a week with some other cyclist. Eventuelly rode ±25 hours on the bike! I even got a nice tan 8-).. here is photo of that place

IMG01111-20150222-1606 And it was like this everyday. Sunshine everywhere, a cloud here and there.. but that was IT. The whole week was like a spin off from the song Eat, sleep, rave repeat, but instead of the raving.. we want cycling of course.
All this training is for the preparation of the cycling season, which has begun by now… and this weekend I had my first competition in Rotterdam (notice the contrast between the weather in Spain and that in The Netherlands, maybe I should move to Spain). The next one will be with Easter 🙂


Oh yeah, and I went to my first wedding last week! A friend of mine married his now-wife and it was awesome. Never knew weddings were so not-boring, hehe.



So, there you have it.. you have just read through my blog for the month March. The next one will be (of course) in April and then May will follow! Stay tuned because stuff is about to happen and things are going to get wild. If you want to know what kind of stuff and which things? Stay calm, and keep reading.


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