The one where I am almost done



I am almost done, my time is running out, my student life is coming to an end… Even though I am still some weeks away from actual graduation… I can almost smell my graduation paper. Woho! These last weeks were, are and will be terrible. During my working hours I had these mood-swings going from ‘wow, I’m doing a decent job, I will definitely get everything done in time‘ to ‘OH MY GOD, this is all bogus, it’s nothing! A third grader could do a better job!’…  which gets pretty exhausting.
Luckily, most of the time when I got home I could just reset my head and stop thinking about it. Usually I went cycling in the evening which also relaxed my body, so I could get a decent amount of sleep and continue working the next day. Another thing that really helped me these last weeks is this Chrome Addon that notifies you to take a break every 20 minutes, it really helps you relax your mind, eyes and body!

However, as time continuous, these mood-swings tend to tone down and converge to an overall feeling of ‘I did the best I could, hopefully it’s enough’. So let just hope this feeling will be right.


In other news! I totally forgot about King’s day… but… there where other people (from a foreign country) that didn’t even got the memo that we (The Netherlands) changed from Queen’s day to King’s day, and hence that the party is also moved to another date.  So, we used to celebrate Queen’s day today and apparently this ‘party day’ is well known abroad and thus there were some foreigner dressed up in orange clothing to celebrate our Queen’s Day (I still don’t know why you would do this..). source
Oh and in other news! …Wait… I don’t have any other news since I couldn’t do that much exciting for these past weeks due to my thesis… Hehe, oh well, I did had a nice racing competition last month where we cycled 126 km on Saturday and 127 km on Sunday! These races were held on the open road somewhere in Brabant. Luckily I did not participate in any crash during these days, nor did I had any other type of bad luck, which means that I completed both races 🙂 (Yeah winning a race is still another type of game…)


Well, my inspiration has run dry.. so I’ll just leave you guys with a nice video-clip/song which can give you some perspective on life 🙂



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