The one where it’s my birthday

Arrr mayteys,

the writing of my thesis is going slow… but steady! Yeah, more super smart words are entering my thesis everyday. Although I’m having a hard time writing it, I have to admit that it is very useful. Not only because I eventually have to do it… but it also increases my understanding of my subject, model, assumptions, etc. It lets you give a broader view and the ability to reconsider some interpretations.

For example, for a long while I head the idea that I really wanted to model the forming of obesity on a cellular level with my model. But during the writing of my thesis, I discovered that my model is able to show so much more besides the formation of obesity. Which is really awesome.
The only difficulty I still have, is getting sucked in to all the biological information that is available. There are sooo many reports, articles, theses, theories… it is quite overwhelming… and knowing that my model will never be perfect, is sometimes hard 😛

Also, I have been contacting some companies to see what they’re up to.. and at the moment I am trying to join an in-house-day of some of them. But apparently they are quite picky… since some recruiter told me that if you’ve completed HAVO, instead of the longer/’harder’ VWO, on your middle-school.. you have a lower chance of being selected. So.. I am expected that they won’t pick me, but that’s their loss 🙂
Oh! This might seem quite contradictory with my previous posts where I said I wanted to become a super ma promovendus, but I’m just inspecting some companies to just know what other kind of things I possible could do..

cake animated GIF

(btw that is Jack, from Jacksfilms, check him out on Youtube 🙂 Can be funny from time to time)

AAAANYWAY, I’ll be going to Spain for a week next sunday. It is said that they have this thing there… called the sun.. I don’t know what it supposed to do. But apparently it gives off warmth and makes you feel good somehow.. so I think I’ll like it over there.
Besides that, I’ve been working like crazy, so a little vacation couldn’t hurt 🙂 and actually.. I have nothing more to say for now. Sooooo I’ll post something again next month.
Then you can expect the following

  • More text;
  • More pictures; and
  • The unexpected.

Have a nice weekend!

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