The one filled with words, pictures ánd a puzzle


It has been a long time since I wrote my last post and meanwhile a lot has happened. So prepare yourself for some ultra-mega-spectacular summary of these last few weeks.

  • 10th of June: done at TNO.
  • “free” time for the next 3-4 weeks.
  • start with my thesis project.


Finishing the report for TNO still took a lot of time, which resulting in a busy last work day. But when it was over, it was over. And I could finally have some “free”-time.

In those 3-4 weeks of having no obligatory tasks, it still did not feel like vacation. This was mainly due to an assignment that I had to finish for my last course. Although I enjoyed myself, this creeping thought of having this assignment kind of killed the whole “freedom” feeling.

Eventually I had to start working on this assignment. I assumed that it would be ‘easy’ and I would get it done in no-time, but it turned out to be the other way… Because of my attitude I procastinated a lot which resulted in me working very hard in the last two weeks to really complete it on time.
I know it was my own choice to do it this way and I could have handled it differently but I just wanted to start my thesis project as soon as possible.

And now, the rollercoaster-ride called the “thesis project” has started and will be done in 9 months (approximately/hopefully). Which means that after that time I should have made up my mind on where and what I want to work/live on/in.

It is strange how fast it all goes. The hardest part for me now is to choose where I would like to work. Which comes down to the question: “what kind of stuff do I want to do for 40 hours a week?”
I think you can never really have a ‘good’ answer to that question until you just try something. So that’s probably what will happen over time.

Oh, before I forget! This time I would include a puzzle. According to Wikipedia, a puzzle can be a game, problem or a toy that tests a person’s ingenuity. And this word represents the quality of being clever, orginial or inventive.

The “problem” I have found is:
You are going to visit your grandmother on Mother’s day. You want to give her two cakes. However, to get to her house you must cross seven bridges. At each bridge is a troll who demands ½ of all of your cakes as the price to pass. However, this troll, being a nice troll, feels bad and gives you back 1 of the cakes that he took.

So actually, you could consider this more of a riddle than a puzzle… But maybe riddles are a subset of puzzles… Anyway, if you have read all of this: thank you for reading this!
If you only scrolled down to see look at the pictures and read the puzzle: Well, that is also fine. I mean, you probably had better things to do. Or atleast, that’s what I hope.



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