The one with some amazing facts

Soooooooooooooo… there I am again, there you are… again!

Let’s talk business. Because stuff is getting serious. People/couples around me are getting married, some are getting kids, some are graduating,… it’s almost insane… almost.

Luckily I’m just sitting here, waiting for stuff to change. Because during your thesis, not much is changing. You (or atleast.. I) sit in my ‘office’ the whole week, staring at a computer screen and thinking in my head… (oh btw… besides my thesis project, I do have hobbies and friends.. I really do!)

When you look at it this way, it is hard to see how your thesis could be any fun.
But believe me, doing your thesis can (and in my case, is) fun to do! You’ll get used to the screen-staring and start appreciating all the little things that you’ve done to improve your model. Change won’t come in a day, it takes a week… sometimes even more… But when you’ve finally programmed your new idea into the model and it works, then it is totally awesome!

Just remember that you decide what kind of thesis project you will be doing, you decide how much you like it. It can be difficult to know what you like to do in the first place, because there are a lot of options. Then keep in mind that with most things you do, you can always find a thing/aspect that you like. Especially when you invest 40 hours a week in a project, it just start to grow on you.

The stuff I will be doing after my graduation is still unclear. As I said before, I used to worry about this, but not anymore. I rather think about my thesis project than what kind of job I want to do, I’ll deal with that later. Procrastination is healthy and keeps you from worrying! 🙂

By the way, one of the options after graduation is to obtain a PhD position. I don’t know if I would like to do that, but if you (yes YOU) are interested, then my department has an offer especially for you! This PhD position is a collaboration between the TU Delft and Almatis. It is mainly concerned with modelling a rotary kiln furnace. You can find more information about it on the following link

Well, we have arrived at the end of my blog again. I would like to end with the following song, by Tycho:


Gonna see him tonight in Amsterdam 😀

Now it is time to post some amazing facts

#1. According to Google: “Amazing Facts is a multifaceted, soul-winning ministry committed to proclaiming the gospel and the three angels’ messages of Revelation 14″

#2. Your brain named itself.

#3. Mosses are indicators of pollution. They can grow only in clean environments.

#4. The square root of 69 is 8.30662386292

Now it is really over.

Bye (:


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